Message from the Superintendent
This is one of the busiest, if not the busiest times of the year. We have enjoyed the Matagorda County Fair, Power Lifting, One Act Play, Baseball, Softball, Track and Field events, Band contest and many others. Everyone has returned from spring break well rested and ready to push to the end of the year. It is so exciting to see juniors and seniors making plans for the annual prom. The year has just flown by in a blur.
Think safety! I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone to be extremely careful when driving. Recently we have had serious car accidents from distracted drivers in our county. Please remember: please don’t text and drive, keep your eyes on the road and wear your seatbelt. You are very important.
Students and teachers are making final plans to help students achieve at the highest levels in preparation for the annual state exams. The time will be upon us before you know it.
For the kids,
Andrew Seigrist