Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Message from the Superintendent September 10, 2019

September 10, 2019

Message from the Superintendent


The school year has had a marvelous start and the first six weeks is about to close.  Tidehaven is such a special school district and a very special place.  You may ask what makes Tidehaven so special?  The answer is simple…the people.  Tidehaven ISD employees are dedicated to education and feel called at Tidehaven to do everything in their power to help students and each other.  The students, parents and community members are committed to the education of young people, working hand in hand, to provide the best educational opportunities to all students.

Tidehaven ISD is one of the highest rated school districts in all of the Region 3 service center area.  We are very proud of our academic success and the success of our students and staff members.  We want to use our successes from last year as a spring board to launch into further success this year.

ELITE – Tidehaven has become elite.  We define being elite as strong work ethics, focused attention to detail and pressing for student success in all areas of core-curricular and extra-curricular classes and activities.  We are not resting or pausing in our pursuit of being even more elite.  We are pressing forward to the mark of even greater success.

Intentionally Elite: This level of success does not happen by coincidence or by accident.  We are being “Intentionally Elite” by focusing our efforts for maximum effect.  Question: What have you done today or this week to be “Intentionally Elite”? 

For the kids,
Andrew Seigrist