Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Message from the Superintendent October 16, 2019

October 16, 2019

Message from the Superintendent

Cooler weather is approaching from the north. The changing of the seasons has had a negative impact on allergies for many people, including myself.  The thought of changing seasons and allergies makes me pause to consider…  Most everyone is looking forward to fall like weather, crisp days with sunshine, and football games. 

Change happens constantly whether we want it to or not.  Trying to control and shape that change towards positive results is challenging.  At Tidehaven we try to set an environment and culture that promotes positive student growth, responsibility and builds students who will make a positive contribution to society.  That takes constant work with an eye towards being “intentionally elite” in all we do and say.

Tidehaven is filled to the brim with teachers, staff and administrators who view education as a calling.  It burns in our hearts and drives everything we do!  Our expectation for student academic achievement is quite high.  Measuring our academic success will depend entirely upon the academic success of our students. I have been in the administrator/teacher team meetings and been a part of the discussions regarding each individual student.  The teachers at Tidehaven carry the students in their hearts and deeply care about their education.

Thank you to all the parents, grandparents and guardians of our school children who take an active interest in the academic success of your students and children.  It is this strong commitment to home, church, and school that Tidehaven has used to nurture and grow our students.

On behalf of the Tidehaven ISD Board of Trustees, Administration, Staff and Students, we want to say “THANK YOU”!

For the kids,
Andrew Seigrist

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